Роман Приятная, интеллигентная музыка http://www.realmusic.ru/tiredtoys Выставка-продажа картин |
Исходный текст программы "Счастливые
bobo="This programm demonstrate the graphical\n realization of problem Happy Tickets. You may\n test yourself and suggest your expression." ex :: IO () ex = start$ do w<-window [title "Happy tickets"] cl<-clipboard [initValue [("",0),("",0)]] cl1<-clipboard [initValue ["",""]] l1<-label[width 30,relief "ridge",text "Enter ticket"] w l2<-label[width 30,relief "ridge",text "Enter number"] w e1<-entry[width 30,relief "ridge",initValue "",background (rgb 145 167 156)] w e2<-entry[width 30,relief "ridge",initValue 100,background (rgb 23 245 45)] w b<-button[text "Quit",command quit,background (rgb 145 167 178)] w ab<-button[text "About",command (abo), background (rgb 145 167 178)] w bm<-button[text "Solve",command (readEntry cl1 e1 e2), background (rgb 145 167 178)] w te<-button[text "Test", command (test e1), background (rgb 145 167 178)] w cset e1 (on return (readEntry cl1 e1 e2)) f<-frame [borderWidth 8,relief "ridge"] ((l1<Int digitToInt s| s=='0'=0 | s=='1'=1 | s=='2'=2 | s=='3'=3 | s=='4'=4 | s=='5'=5 | s=='6'=6 | s=='7'=7 | s=='8'=8 | s=='9'=9 tickets ds = (ds, foldl (\n c -> 10*n + digitToInt c) 0 ds) : [("("++ld++[op]++rd++")", f lv rv) | (op,f) <- [('+',(+)),('-',(-)),('*',(*)),('/',(div))], n<-[1..length ds-1], (ld,lv) <- tickets (take n ds), (rd,rv) <- tickets (drop n ds), op /= '/' || (rv /= 0 && lv `mod` rv == 0)] happy = map fst . (filter ((==)100 . snd)) . tickets ads::[a]->a->[a] ads s str=reverse(str:(reverse s)) getsec::(String,Int)->Int getsec (s,c)=c getfir::(String,Int)->String getfir (s,c)=s fi::[(String,Int)]->Int->[String] fi (x:xs) n=if((getsec x)==n) then ((getfir x):(fi xs n)) else (fi xs n) fi [] _=[] hap::String->Int->String->[String] hap str v =map fst. (filter((==)v.snd)).tickets --| s=='0'=0 isValidChar::Char->Bool isValidChar s| s=='0'=True | s=='1'=True | s=='2'=True | s=='3'=True | s=='4'=True | s=='5'=True | s=='6'=True | s=='7'=True | s=='8'=True | s=='9'=True | s=='+'=True | s=='-'=True | s=='*'=True | s=='/'=True | s=='('=True | s==')'=True isValidChar _ =False isValidString::String->Bool isValidString (x:xs)=if((isValidChar x)) then (isValidString xs) else False isValidString []=True isValidDig s| s=='0'=True | s=='1'=True | s=='2'=True | s=='3'=True | s=='4'=True | s=='5'=True | s=='6'=True | s=='7'=True | s=='8'=True | s=='9'=True isValidDig _=False isValidd::String->Bool isValidd (x:xs)=if((isValidDig x)) then (isValidd xs) else False isValidd []=True infixr 6 &&& infixl 5 >>> infixr 4 ||| type Parser a = String -> [(a,String)] resul :: a -> Parser a (|||) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a (&&&) :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a,b) (>>>) :: Parser a -> (a -> b) -> Parser b many :: Parser a -> Parser [a] many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a] sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char tok :: String -> Parser String digit :: Parser Int number :: Parser Int atom = tok "-" &&& number >>> (\(u,n)
-> -n) ||| expr = term &&& (tok "+" &&& expr
>>> (\(p,y) -> (+y)) ||| term = atom &&& (tok "*" &&& term
>>> (\(t,y) -> (*y)) ||| eval s = case expr s of ((x,""):_) -> x